Sunday, May 24, 2015

Playgrounds and Play Places

Oh, I can remember this picture like it was yesterday...

It was Ellie's first time at the mall Play Place.  I had been nervous to take her to one for a number of reasons, but mainly because I worried it would make my heart hurt.  Playgrounds had already done that.  I had remembered how I felt seeing the other kids Ellie's age run and jump off things.  Even stepping over the beams holding in the mulch was easy for them, while Ellie had to crawl over them and try and get her balance.

At this point in time, we were in Hickory indefinitely because my dad had suffered complications from surgery and he was very, very sick.  So sick we almost lost him.  I wanted Ellie to be able to exercise, and break up trips to the hospital because her world and routine had been turned upside down just like the rest of ours.  We headed to the mall to play...once we got there I remembered that pain and the struggle of PWS.  Ellie had a fantastic time and we were both so, so glad we came.  But a little piece of me remembers feeling just how hard Ellie's muscles work everyday as I helped her climb.  Oh, they worked so hard.  She held my hand and she used everything she had to climb, walk, and scale the play area. In that instant I remember hating PWS for how hard it was making my daughter work, but ultimately I remember being so absolutely proud of her for showing it who was boss.

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