Friday, December 18, 2020

Every Tear Wiped Away

I never truly understood PWS holiday anxiety until tonight.  

But I've also never seen God move, calm, and speak like He did tonight either.  

We've been at an all time high talking about food.  Sugar, carbs, gluten, commonalities, differences, candy, cookies, allergies, and the list could go on.  The questions are plentiful too, so I've known she's anxious but I didn't truly realize how anxious.

We had a fun holiday event at school that, honestly, I was a little leery to attend.  But, Ellie came home begging and excited to go.  So, of course we went.  And as a family, we had fun.  We talked to Santa, played games, and went on a Christmas light excursion afterward...truly seeking the magic of the season.

When we got home, we quickly got ready for bed, and I could see it coming...

"My tummy is hurting."  "Maybe it was the little bit of candy cane I had, because it had sugar in it?"  And then the tears came.  And these were tears of fear, anxiousness.  Tears that when you see them as a mom, you just want to scoop your child up, run away and take every ounce of hurt away.  I hugged her tight, and could feel her little body start to tense and cry harder.  I calmly asked her what was bothering her.

"I'm nervous about Polar Express Day.  There's hot chocolate and what will I do?"  I told her she didn't have to worry...that I was sending her something that was good for her with low sugar and low carbs.  She cried harder.  I hugged her tighter.  

"What if someone tries to give me the other hot chocolate?"  "What will I do?"  "What will I say?" I looked at her and said, "You'll tell them no thank you; I cannot have that."  And, "Your teachers will never let that happen.  They love you and take care of you and will not let that happen."

She stopped crying and said let's read our Bible story.  We've been reading a nightly advent story each night up to Christmas.

We found the one for tonight..."Operation No More Tears."  It was about the prophecies from Isaiah, and how God had a special job for listen to God and then tell what he heard (the redemptive, hopeful, good news that Jesus came, died and rose to rescue us, and He will come again to wipe every tear away from every eye).

I said, "Ellie, this looks like it is going to be perfect for tonight."  I explained what it was called, and told her God sent Jesus to rescue us, love us, help us, and forgive us.  They can come to our rescue now and want us to talk to them, ask for help, and share our worries, hoped, joys, and everything with them.  All we have to do is ask them in our heart, pray and talk to them when we're nervous, scared or worried and ask them to help us and bring peace.

We finished reading, and I looked at her and said, "Ellie, God and Jesus can help you when you're nervous, worried or scared.  You just have to talk to them and ask for help.  Do you want to do that?"  Tears filled her eyes and mine, and she nodded.  I could see peace come over her body.  I could see relief.  I could see her truly understand.  As I prayed, she interjected a few times.  And then she calmly and peacefully went to sleep...all her tears wiped away  ❤ ❤

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