Sunday, May 17, 2015

Green beans

Green beans...for most moms they don't produce much anxiety.  Some kiddos like them, others are repulsed by them.  From the looks of this picture, Ellie likes them.  

For me though, green beans and other new foods gave me anxiety.  What was difficult was the fact that beginning "big girl food" was hard.  I had just mastered feeding Ellie the bottle, and it was tough.  Now, we were supposed to introduce solids?!  Having a child with Prader-Willi syndrome produces anxiety surrounding food. 

Honestly, little things set me off and cause my heart to hurt along this journey.  Beginning solids was one of those times...I wanted to make sure I did it JUST so, because I had A LOT riding on getting it right.  My child, unlike most, has to eat healthy, and cannot splurge on sips of sweet tea here, and tastes of icing there.  I can remember feeling like all of my "mommy instincts" went out the window, and I felt paralyzed.  I wanted someone to tell me EXACTLY what to do and what to feed Ellie.  I felt guilty for not making her baby food from scratch.  I felt guilty I wasn't a professional chef.  I felt guilty I didn't really enjoy cooking.  We set up consultations with a nutritionist that really helped me through, and I can remember thinking one of the first things she said to try with Ellie...cheesy eggs.  Well, of course, why hadn't I thought of that?!  I can also remember breathing a sigh of relief when Ellie wasn't allergic to eggs, and really liked them. Eggs have become a staple in her diet.  So have green beans.  This picture, was taken after I had gotten past some of my anxiety, and really tried to enjoy feeding Ellie.  She liked green beans, whew!  

Something as minuscule as gaining confidence in what to feed your daughter, was huge along our journey.  Ellie's diet is a major part of her functioning at her best, helping with her mood and behavior, and helping to ward off the thing I fear the most....the unrelenting, insatiable hunger.  She follows a lower carb, high protein, and high good fat diet...try going out to eat and ordering off the kids menu.  Not going to have to get creative, and sometimes bring your own food.   

Ellie amazes me everyday with her diet, and as we move forward and she becomes older it is my hope that we really help her make healthy decisions and understand why some foods aren't good for her tummy and mind.  We have some great families to help us along the way that are great role models, and couldn't be more thankful.

So, make sure you eat your eggs and green beans, and when you do, think of Ellie.

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