Friday, May 8, 2015

Daddy's Love

Talk about melting your heart, this picture will do it.  It was one of the first pictures of David and Ellie taken at home.  I can just look at it and tell, his heart is bursting with pride, filled with love, hurting for his baby girl, and scared senseless...all at the same time.

From the moment David met Ellie, he fell in love and I could see his demeanor change; he had become a dad, and it was the most precious moment ever.  Her birth was traumatic for all of us, but I can remember looking at David when they showed Ellie to him, and he just said, "She's just the prettiest little thing."  His strength in the NICU was unshakable and he was my rock.  We became the true definition of team, and began our life as a family...a little differently than we had imagined.  There wasn't a day or night David missed seeing his little girl in the NICU.

But he was scared and hurting for his precious baby girl too.  I know he would have traded places with Ellie in a heartbeat.  This situation was like nothing either of us had ever battled, and David has battled some incredibly hard and trying situations.  I saw him cling to his faith like never before, and fervently pray for our family.  There were lots of unknowns for our family then, and still are today, and still will be in the future.  David's unwavering peace helps me see that no matter what challenges we face, we will be OK.

His love for Ellie is unconditional, indescribable, and is totally a daddy's love.

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